Mumbai Campus,
On Lien ,
Advanced Centre for Women's Studies,
School of Development Studies
M.A. (University of Madras), M.Phil. (University of Madras), Ph.D. (JNU, New Delhi)
Advanced Centre for Women's Studies
School of Development Studies
Visiting Chair in Contemporary India (Sept-Dec 2018)
Department of Political Economy
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Sydney
Gender and Labour
Sports and bodily cultures
Political economy of health, welfare and development
Sexuality studies
Social movements
Sports Studies in India: Expanding the field, co-edited with Padma Prakash, Oxford University Press, Delhi: 2022
'Labours of Care in Sport: Reflections on Feminist Practice in Athletics,' in Meena Gopal & Padma Prakash (eds), Sports Studies in India: Expanding the field, Oxford University Press, Delhi: 2022, pp.150-158.
Women in the Worlds of Labour: Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Perspectives, co-edited with Mary E John, Orient Blackswan: Delhi. January 2021.
‘Cottage Industry to Home Work: Tracing Women's Labour in Home-based Beedi Production, c 1930s-1960s,’ in Mary John and Meena Gopal (eds.) Women in the Worlds of Labour: Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Perspectives, Orient Blackswan: Delhi. January 2021, pp.113-136.
‘Early and Child Marriage in India: A Framework to Achieve SDGs’. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Gender Equality. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. August 2020, available at
‘Ways of Seeing’—Policy paradigms and unfree labour in India. Co-authored with Arocha, L., Pattadath, B., & Chattopadhyay, R Anti-Trafficking Review, (15), 2020, 137-153.
Women, Migration and Labour Exploitation: Challenging Frameworks’ co-authored with Pattadath Bindhulakshmi., Arocha L., Chattopadhyay R., in Journal of Migration Affairs, 2020, vol II, issue 2
'Change and Status Quo in Home-based Industry in South Tamil Nadu, India: Women Beedi Workers confront shifts in the organization of Labour and Capital' in B. English, ME Frederickson, O Sangmiguel_Valderamma (eds) Global Women's Work:Perspectives on Gender and Work in the Global Economy, US Routledge, 2018.
'Towards Greater Civility: Public Morality and Transversal Queer/Feminist Politics in India', South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies
'Struggles around Gender: some clarifications,' Economic and Political Weekly, vol.50 (33), August 2015, pp.76-77.
‘Ruptures and Reproduction in Caste/Labour/Gender’ in Satish Deshpande (ed.) The Problem of Caste: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Readings on the Economy, Polity and Society, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi 2014, pp.162-174.
Introduction as Guest Editor, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 2013 20: 173-6, Special Issue on Gender Labour and Social Reproduction
‘Sexuality and Social Reproduction, Reflections from an Indian Feminist Debate’, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 2013 20: 235-251.
“Disempowered Despite Wage Work: Women workers in Beedi industry,' in Padmini Swamination (ed.)Women and Work: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Readings on the Economy, Polity and Society, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi 2012.
‘Caste, Labour and Sexuality: the Troubled Connection’, Current Sociology, vol. 60, no. 2, Sage, March 2012.
Research Project on Early and Child Marriage in India: A Monitoring and Evaluation Study sponsored by the American Jewish World Service, New York, September 2014 ongoing
Collaborative Project on Status Report on Girl Child in India at the Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies sponsored by Save the Child: Bal Raksha Bharat– September 2013 – June 2014
Independent Research Project with a research team of senior trainers and researchers on livelihood issues, on Evaluation and Review of Shelter Homes for Women and Children, and the programmes of the Department of Women and Child Development, of Maharashtra May 2013 – June 2014 1st phase (2013- 2015)
Collaborative Research Project titled Public Welfare Institutions, Reforms and Gender: The Reshaping of Lives of Women and Girls in the Mill Precinct of Bombay: 1985 to the present , sponsored by the TISS Research Council-Urban Aspirations in Global Cities Project with Dr. Nandini Manjrekar, Centre for Education, TISS – (2013- 2014)
In MA programme -
1) Women's movements in India;
2) Development, Feminist Politics and Praxis,
3) Women and Work: History of Transformation
4) Women, Desires, Sexualities
In M.Phil. programme -
1) Theorising Feminism;
2) Themes and Perspectives in Labour, Migration & Globalisation