Ph.D. Education,
M.Sc. Human Development,
M.Sc. Home Science (Human Development),
B.A. Psychology
Amina has a doctoral degree (2010) from Iowa State University in Education.She leads the education technology research group, Masters in Education and Technology Programme, and TELTA-21 project in M-Ward. She instituted and co-led many award-winning initiatives, Integrated Approach to Technology in Education (ITE) program at Tata Trusts, reaching over 4 lakh students and their teachers in India. She is one of the co-founders of Connected Learning Initiative with MIT, USA and Reflective Teaching with ICT, a professional development program for teachers. With experience in rural schools, she has researched and published internationally on ways to use technology using constructivist pedagogies by teachers and adolescent students, especially for government school teachers. Amina has led projects like "Digital Badges for Teachers" in Assam and West Bengal, “Leadership in Constructivist Teaching and Learning with Technology” across 8 states in India, and impact assessment of various education technology projects. She has served on the National Mentoring Committee, part of NCTE's mission for NEP, 2020. In the year 2023, she co-founded and is leading a unique and holistic master's one-year programme on MA in Education and Technology for working professionals.
Teacher Professional Development, pedagogy and classroom processes, Constructivist approaches to teaching and leanring with ICT, Learners as producers of artefacts-digital agency.
Referr to Google Scholar (h-index 10) page for complete listing of Publications:
Peer-reviewed journal articles (last 5 years)
Charania, A., Bakshani, U., Paltiwale, S., Kaur, I., & Nasrin, N. (2021). Constructivist teaching and learning with technologies in the COVID-19 lockdown in Eastern India. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4), 1478-1493.
Prestridge, S., Jacobsen, M., Mulla, S., Paredes, S. G., & Charania, A. (2021). New alignments for the digital age: Insights into connected learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(4), 2171–2186.
Charania, A., Paltiwale, S., Sen, S., Sarkar, D., & Bakshani, U. (2023). Leading edge use of technology for teacher professional development in Indian schools. Education Sciences, 13, 386.
Balakrishnan, R., & Charania, A. (2023). Parental digital competence and influences on parenting mediation. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(3).
Butler, D., Leahy, M., Charania, A., Gedara, P. M., Keane, T., Laferrière, T., Nakamura, K., Ueda, H., & Bocconi, S. (2024). Aligning digital educational policies with the new realities of schooling. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 29, 1831–1849.
Charania, A., Cross, S., Wolfenden, F., Sen, S., & Adinolfi, L. (2024). Exploring teacher characteristics and participation in TPACK-related online teacher professional development in Assam, India. Computers and Education Open, 7.
Peer-reviewed articles in Conference Proceedings
Paltiwale, S., Sarkar, D., & Charania, A. (2020). Use of community of practice for in-service government teachers in professional development. In T. Brinda, D. Passey, & T. Keane (Eds.), Empowering teaching for digital equity and agency. OCCE 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (Vol. 595). Springer, Cham.
Bakshani, U., & Charania, A. (2021, October). Cost-benefit analysis of a constructivist-based education technology initiative in India. In SITE Interactive Conference (pp. 1–7). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Sen, S., Charania, A., & Sarkar, D. (2021, October). Implementation strategies and challenges in an online teacher professional development program in the COVID-19 context. In SITE Interactive Conference (pp. 250–256). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Paltiwale, S., & Charania, A. (2021, October). Understanding teacher participation and interaction over technology-enabled CoP. In SITE Interactive Conference (pp. 44–48). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Cross, S., Wolfenden, F., Charania, A., Adinolfi, L., Sen, S., & Sarkar, D. (2022). Supporting practice-based teacher professional learning and assessment at scale in the Global South. In INTED2022 Proceedings (pp. 5431–5440).
Sathya, K. B., & Charania, A. (2024, July). Teaching complex machine learning algorithms and concepts through authentic learning. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 601–614). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Edited Peer-Reviewed Journal
Passey, D., Woodhouse, H., Anderson, J., & Charania, A. (2023). Parents/guardians, education and digital technologies. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(3). ISSN: (ISSN 2753-2380)
Edited Book
Integrated Approach to Technology in Education in India: Implementation and Impact. Edited by Amina Charania (2022). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Research Projects as Principal Investigator last 5 years
● Assessing teaching and learning engagement in the Digital Shala Programme in Madhya Pradesh. (2023-2024). Central Square Foundation. (49 lakhs)
● Impact of TELTA-21 (students’ performance on PBLT- quasi-experimental research design, gender dynamics in students while using PBLT, teacher perspectives on sustainability of PBLT in regular classrooms) in Mumbai schools, Capgemini (2021-2024) (part of field implementation)
● Teacher characteristics and success in the course under Leadership in Constructivist Teaching and Learning with Technology-UNICEF (2021-2022) (part of field implementation)
● Assessing Google Solutions in Pilot Schools in India (2022-2023). Panl. (16K US dollars)
● Adoption and impact of using Digital Badges for teachers in Assam and West Bengal, Open University UK (2020-2021) (14.7K UK Pounds)
Field Implementation as Project Director
· ITE-project based learning with technology in schools, resource partner for teacher professional development across 8 states, teachers, 400 schools.
(Tata Trusts: 343 lakhs (2016-2021) (Rukmini Trust 8.43 lakhs, 2021-2022)
· Constructivist teaching and learning with technology online course run for 3900 government school teachers across multiple languages and states. UNICEF India (130 lakhs)
· TELTA-21 project based learning with technology with Mumbai Municipal schools, 70 schools, Capgemini India (199 lakhs 2021-2024; 426 lakhs 2024-2027)
Contribution as a researcher and eductaor in other Research/Field action Projects
● Connected Learning Initiative, designing research tools assessing the impact on teachers, designing teacher professional development for teachers across 4 stateCETE, TISS, MIT, USA. (2016-2018.) (about 6000 lakhs)
Masters and PhD
● ICT and Education (4 credits): MA in Education (2018-2022)
● ICT and Education (5 credits): MAEE (2016-2019)
● Advanced ICT and Education (4 credits): MA in Education (2018-2022)
● Education Technology and Society (2 credits: Choice-based credits across master’s programmes on campus (2022-2023)
● New Media and Education (2 credits): B.Ed-M.Ed (2020-2023)
● Designing Digital Tools (2 credits): B.Ed-M.Ed (2020-2023)
● Child Development and Learning Sciences, MA in Elementary Education, 2017-2018
● Social Marginalization in Education (2 credits): MA in Education and Technology (2024)
● Teaching and Learning with Technology (2 credits): MA in Education and Technology (2023-2024)
● Learners and Learning (2 credits): MA in Education and Technology (2023-24)
● Seminar Course (2 credits): MA in Education and Technology (2023)
● Capstone (6 credits): MA in Education and Technology (2023-24)
● Advance in Constructivist Teaching and Learning with Technology (2 credits). PhD (2018, 2021, 2022)
Online Certificate Courses
● Constructivist Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT) for in-service teachers (2017-2023)
● Inquiry Based Learning with Technology (2020 onwards, now on Sawayam)
● Mentoring for CTLT (2021-22)