Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Medical Services

There are two health centres, one in the main campus near hostel II and the other one in the new campus on the ground floor of Hostel V.

In case of any illness, students are expected to report to any one of the health centres. We have all emergency medicines and injections, though students are expected to buy the full course of medicines from outside. Dressing for minor injuries are also done.

In case a student requires a specialist reference, they are guided accordingly. There is a recovery room in the main campus health centre where students with communicable diseases like chicken pox, who require isolation can stay while they are under treatment. Students recovering from any surgery are also kept in the recovery till they are fit to shift to their hostel room.

In case of any emergency any time doctors are available on phone. During night hours if a student require hospitalization vehicle is made available.

Counselling Centre
The Counselling services at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, began in mid-90's and are a part of Student Support Services. The Counselling Centre has been providing services like individual counselling and developmental group activities for TISS students and staff. It is open six days a week and its hours are adapted to students needs. The Counsellors help the students in their day-to-day concerns and also enhance their overall functioning. Workshops on topics relevant to increasing the capacities of the students are regularly conducted by the Counsellors.

The Counselling Centre services are available from 11.30 am to 8.00 pm from Monday to Saturday, at the Mumbai Campus.

They can be contacted on Ext: 5612/5914 or on e-mail: counsellors@tiss.edu for appointments.

Main Campus: The Counselling Centre,
Health Centre, Ground Floor,
Main Campus, TISS
Contact: 25525000, Extn: 5612
Naoroji Campus: Hostel No.5, Naoroji Campus, TISS
Contact: +91 22 2552 5000, Extn.: 5914

Dining Hall
The Dining Hall (DH) serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals. It is managed by the Institute on a no profit no loss basis. The DH Committee, which comprises students representatives, looks after the DH matters under the Chairpersonship of a faculty member. Packed Lunch is available on Field Work Days for students on request. Section Officer: Ms. Nirmala Momin Extension Number : 5215

The Gymkahana of TISS, located in the main campus, is a two storey building and has space for a well equipped Gymnasium and space for Yoga. There is a full fledged indoor badminton court, two very popular table tennis boards and other indoor games like carrom. Mr. Abhijit Tandel, the Gym Instructor is with TISS from July 2008. The Gym is equipped with three electronic and one manual treadmill, two cycles, dumbbells and plates, Leg Extension & Leg Curl Machine, Latt Pull Down Machine, Low Pulley & High Rows Pulley, Chest Press Machine and Pack Deck. It is open from Monday to Saturday and the Instructor is available from 6.00 to 9.00 in the morning and 5.00 to 8.00 in the evening.

Hindi Classes
All international students can take basic Hindi classes which are provided free of charge.

Yoga Classes
Yoga classes are offered twice a day at the campus and are free of cost for all international students.

Accommodation (shared dorms)

Currently, we have two - 7 storied buildings (girls hostel and boys hostel) in our new campus that accommodates the Indian and International students. The 7th floor of each of these hostels is reserved for the international students  while the rest is a common building with the same facilities and the students get enough opportunities to interact and make friends or be with Indian students.

As per TISS policy, the rates for international short-term students is Rs. 500 per student/ per day for a hostel (on triple sharing basis).


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