Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Office for International Affairs Team
Prof. Madhushree Sekher Chairperson
Ms. Tanya Koshy Senior Programme Manager
Ms. Bakul Dhabe Programme Manager (Global Partnerships)
Ms. Aastha Bajracharya Programme Manager (CSIP)
Mr. Abraham James  Programme Manager (Outgoing Mobility)
Mr. Christin Mathews Programme Manager (Incoming Mobility & Admissions)
Ms. Deepa Ramkumar Documentation Facilitator
Ms. Bindumati Gowda Executive - Finance
Ms. Shruti Patil Assistant Executive (Finance)
Ms. Pushpa Bhooj Executive Assistant - Administration
Mr. Ketan Gujral Office Assistant

* For more details contact -'iro@tiss.edu' or + 91 22 2552 5917/ 5919/ 5920

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